The Aesthetics and the Epistemology of poetic fluidity of Goiás literature and the displacements of Heleno Godoy's language in 'Commonplace and Other Poems'




Epistemologia, Estética, Serio ludere, Poesia


This article presents the epistemological and aesthetic study of a poetic fluidity of Goiás writer Heleno Godoy, and his displacements of language. We begin with a brief historical composition of poetry from Goiás until we reach the core of the article, which is a study of the poetic thinking of Heleno Godoy in 'Lugar Comum e outros Poemas'. Through contemporary concepts of epistemology of the novel and poetic aesthetics, and the use of the serio ludere method, an epistemological instrument of the novel, to deal with Godoy's poetic forms, we were raised to the bowels of the peaceful and effervescent life of Goiás.


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How to Cite

Paulino, I. R. (2023). The Aesthetics and the Epistemology of poetic fluidity of Goiás literature and the displacements of Heleno Godoy’s language in ’Commonplace and Other Poems’. Revista Cerrados, 32(63), 118–129.



Dossier - Epistemology of the novel: dialogues and theoretical approaches

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