The European epistolary novel in the 18th century: from sentimentality to philosophical love




Epistolary novel, sentimentality, romantic love, teory of the novel.


The article analyzes the epistolary novel and its role in the transition of cultural codes of the semantics of love, and in the sentimental formation of the bourgeois public in the European eighteenth century. It seeks to reflect on the main characteristics of this long process of formation of the bourgeois classes through the epistolary novel, observing how the novels Pamela (1740) by Samuel Richardson, Julia or The New Heloisa by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1761), and Lucinde (1780) by Friedrich Schlegel contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, C. L. de. (2023). The European epistolary novel in the 18th century: from sentimentality to philosophical love. Revista Cerrados, 32(63), 72–84.



Dossier - Epistemology of the novel: dialogues and theoretical approaches

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