Enactment of the fascinationa with evil

A reading of A nova ordem, by B. Kucinski





A nova ordem, Dystopia, Banality of evil, Eternal fascism.


This article makes a reading of the novel A Nova Ordem (2019), by Bernardo Kucinski, analyzing the characteristics of dystopia that proposes new paths of progress for Brazil. As is typical of this literature, the analysis of the text provokes feelings of repulsion for the actions and beliefs of the characters, but also reveals a Brazil of reality that seems very possible to happen. Everything in the fictional text passes through our eyes as if it were. In this way, the novel set in Brazil has naked characteristics of fascista uthoritarianism, but also reports, in many topics, the reality of the country that seems to be surrounded by a dictatorial aura. The retakes, present in the narrative, of laws and agencies, part of the Brazilian reality, reinforce this impression of insecurity, typical of the genre. In addition, as the characters and lines of the plot configure dictatorial actions and consciences, we highlight Hannah Arendt's (1999) understanding of the banality of evil to support the reading, in order to analyze discursive configurations that punctuate the bureaucratic character of the practice of exclusion, expulsion and death of the elect as others, therefore, undesirable and we resume the fourteen characteristics of fascism, contributions of Umberto Eco, in the text Fascismo eternal (2019).



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Author Biography

Lizandro Carlos Calegari, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Possui Doutorado em Letras (Estudos Literários) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM, RS). Tem artigos publicados em periódicos especializados no Brasil, no Chile, nos Estados Unidos, na França, na Dinamarca e em Portugal. Desenvolveu pesquisas sobre a lírica de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e, mais recentemente, tem feito estudos sobre a ficção brasileira pós-64, literaturas marginais e teorias do trauma. De 2009 a 2014, foi professor de Literatura da Graduação e do PPGL da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI-FW). Atualmente, é professor de Literatura no Colégio Politécnico da UFSM e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (Mestrado e Doutorado) da mesma instituição.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos Soares, D., & Calegari, L. C. . (2023). Enactment of the fascinationa with evil: A reading of A nova ordem, by B. Kucinski. Revista Cerrados, 32(62), 127–135. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v32i62.44151



Dossier - Actuality of realism: utopia and dystopia