A Gentle Creature as an Interpretation of Dostoevsky’s Creative Method and Humanistic Ideal





Dostoevsky, life, death, immortality, Bakhtin


The essay aims at identifying and describing the artistic specificity of Dostoevsky’s aesthetic ideal through the analysis of the literary text, A Gentle Creature, in order to define the author’s positions in relation to “true life” and death. The role and function of the story, which is part of the Diary of a Writer of 1876, will be outlined, both synchronically and diachronically, in relation to the spiritual and cultural context of the time.


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Author Biographies

Gloria Politi, University of Salento (Lecce)

Phd, Tenured Lecturer and Researcher in Slavic Studies (L-LIN/21) since 2007. Adjunct Tenured Professor of Russian Language and Translation (University of Salento). P.I. of P.R.I.N. “(De)construction of myth in contemporary women’s literature in Russia and Poland”. Research topics cover Russian linguistics, Russian literature, contemporary Russian women literature, translation studies. Her scientific papers have been published in both Italian and foreign specialized journals.

Iryna Shylnikova, Unversity of Salento

PhD student at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). From 2017 to 2019 she participated as a researcher in P.R.I.N. “(De)construction of myth in contemporary women’s literature in Russia and Poland”. Currently, continues her research in the field of women’s contemporary Russian and Ukrainian literature. Her scientific papers have been published in scholarly journals on teaching of Russian as a foreign language, on Russian and Ukrainian culture and literature.


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How to Cite

Politi, G., & Shylnikova, I. (2022). A Gentle Creature as an Interpretation of Dostoevsky’s Creative Method and Humanistic Ideal. Revista Cerrados, 31(58), 186–197. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v31i58.42221



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