Feminine revolt and subalternity in short stories by Josefina Plá


  • Suely Aparecida de Souza Mendonça  Universidade Paulista


Josefina Plá. short stories. woman. silence. subalternity.


The literary representations of the feminine universe are not always followed by the shock with the phallocentrism, but of other voices and situations that also silence and disclose the subordinate condition of the woman in literature. In stories of Josefina Plá (1903-1999), in which the Paraguayan woman is the core of these narratives, three categories are detached: active/rebellious, passive/silenced and passive/quiet. To disclose these groups represented in stories, the article counts on theoretical boardings of Michelle Perrot, Gayatri Spivak and Elódia Xavier.


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Author Biography

Suely Aparecida de Souza Mendonça , Universidade Paulista

Doutora em Literatura e Vida Social pela Universidade Paulista, Campus de Assis-SP


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How to Cite

Mendonça , S. A. de S. (2013). Feminine revolt and subalternity in short stories by Josefina Plá. Revista Cerrados, 20(32). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25974

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