Five novels, five current chilean writers
Novels current chilean. Chilean writer. Narrator. World created. Reader.Abstract
Five current Chilean novels, published between 1982 and 1999, written by five women: Isabel Allende, Marcela Serrano, Ana María del Río, Andra Maturana, Sonia González, were chosen for the article. The objective is to know what happens with the literature created by women: analyze recreated topics and the way how is structured the story, according to the figure of the storyteller, the created world and the message that the work delivery, according to the image of world building.
ALLENDE, Isabel. La casa de los espíritus. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1992
BALART, Carmen y CÉSPED, Irma. El imaginario en novelas chilenas actuales: temas y estructuras. Santiago: LOM, 2012
BIANCHI, Soledad. Una suma necesaria. Literatura chilena y cambio: 1973-1990. En: Revista chilena de literatura n.36. Santiago, 1990, p. 49-62
CÁNOVAS, Rodrigo. Novela chilena. Nuevas generaciones. Santiago: Siglo XXI, 1997
ESPINOSA, Patricia. Narrativa chilena hoy. En: Nueva narrativa chilena. Santiago: LOM, 1997, p. 65-74
FERNÁNDEZ, Maximino. Literatura chilena de fines del siglo XX. Santiago: Don Bosco, 2002
GONZÁLEZ, Sonia. El sueño de mi padre. Santiago: Planeta, 1998
LARRAÃN, Jorge. Identidad chilena. Santiago: LOM, 2001
MATURANA, Andrea, El daño. Santiago: Alfaguara, 1997
OLIVARES, Lilian. El círculo maldito. Santiago: Aguilar, 2003
RÃO, Ana María del. Siete días de la señora K. Santiago: Planeta, 1993
SERRANO, Marcela. Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. Santiago: Aguilar, 1999
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