
  • Carmen Lucia Tindó Ribeiro Secco


Mozambique. Cinema. Painting. Literature. Isabel Noronha. Malangatana Valente. Mia Couto.


The documentary Ngwenya, o Crocodilo [Ngwenya, the Crocodile] by Mozambican director Isabel Noronha: an inter-art dialogue with painter Malangatana Valente and writer Mia Couto. Fragments of a Mozambican mythical imagery transfigured into colours, images, sounds, words, movements and affections. Diving into memory and traditions. The cinematic narration of Isabel Noronha is understood as a dialogic journey throughout themes, structures and languages connected not only to the identity and social constructions related to the Mozambican context ”” particularly to the Ronga mythical universe ”” but also to the life and work of Malangatana Valente as well as to the poetic fiction of Mia Couto.


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How to Cite

Secco, C. L. T. R. (2016). A JOURNEY THROUGH THE LIFE AND WORK OF MALANGATANA VALENTE: CINEMA, PAINTING, LITERATURE. Revista Cerrados, 25(41). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25405

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