Lukács and the robinsonadas of century XVIII:

industriousness like attribute of triumphant bourgeoisie




Robinsonadas. Laboriosidad. División del trabajo. Protestantismo. Trabajo no alienado


This article deals with a corpus of robinsonades of the 18th century in the light of the notion of industriousness, which Lukács develops in “The novel” (1934). The category of work is at the center of these novels, and hard work is the basic attribute of its heroes, the Robinsons. The fact that all the Robinsons are Protestants and that their work can be qualified, with Marx, as not alienated, are the two manifestations of that key concept that will be studied here.


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Author Biographies

Martín Ignacio Koval, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ)

Docente de la UBA y de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ)

Jesica Lenga, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Maestranda en Letras por la UBA. Adscripta a las cátedras de Literatura Alemana y Literatura Inglesa de la UBA.


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How to Cite

Koval, M. I., & Lenga, J. (2018). Lukács and the robinsonadas of century XVIII:: industriousness like attribute of triumphant bourgeoisie. Revista Cerrados, 27(47), 168–185.



Marx: Arte, Literatura e Práxis