The Stories of Favouring. Genesis 4, 4-5



Mots-clés :

Bible studies. Textual alteration. Mosaic theology. Hebrew-Greek translation. Biblical exegesis.


However faithful it may appear, any translation is the result of the translator’s interpretation of the source-text, influenced by various elements present in the broad circumstances of that particular translating activity. In some cases, this fact alters or adds a new layer of meaning to the original text. The present paper explores the case under Gen. 4, 4-5, where, by introducing a linguistic variation ”“ namely dw'ron, -ou (toV) / qusiva, -a" (hJ) (in kaiV ejpiV toi`" dwvroi", v. 4, and kaiV ejpiV tai`" qusivai", v. 5) ”“ instead of the monotony displayed by the Hebrew text ”“ מִנְחָה [min·khä'] (in וְ×ֶל־מִנְחָתֽוֹ / Engl. ‘and to his offering’) ”“, the Greek Septuagint provides the reader with the possibility of condemning Cain before he commits the crime.   


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Alexandru Gafton, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of IaÈ™i

Student of Professor Vasile Arvinte, Professor, PhD, at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of IaÈ™i, Romania. Evolutionary linguist and philologist, with a Humean naturalist perspective. Author of studies that attempt to understand the dynamics of language, thought, society and the evolution of relations between them; author of critical editions of old Romanian texts; translator and commentator of works in the fields of diachronic linguistics and the history of Christianity, evolutionism and mentalities. “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of IaÈ™i, Romania. IaÈ™i, Romania

Adina Chirilă , West University of Timisoara

Associate Professor at the West University of TimiÈ™oara, Romania. Bachelor’s degree in Romanian/English (2000), West University of TimiÈ™oara, Roumania. Master’s degree with specialization “Romanian language in synchrony and diachrony. Controversial issues” (2002), West University of TimiÈ™oara, Romania. PhD in Humanities ”“ Philology (2008), West University of TimiÈ™oara, Romania. Linguist and philologist, whose work’s pillars are observation, proof and reasoning. Author of two books and over fifty articles and reviews concerning the history of the Romanian language, textology, Romanian philology, and diachronic linguistics; author of a critical edition of a 17th century Romanian text; translator of works in the fields of evolutionism, genetics and the philosophy and history of science; member of the Editorial board of Diacronia (; member of German Cognitive Linguistics Association, and of Répertoire des historiens de la traduction, Ottawa. West University of Timisoara, Department of Romanian Languages. TimiÈ™oara, Romania.


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Comment citer

GAFTON, Alexandru; CHIRILÄƑ , Adina. The Stories of Favouring. Genesis 4, 4-5. Belas Infiéis, Brasília, Brasil, v. 9, n. 3, p. 89–101, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v9.n3.2020.30839. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.