A Libras Relationship with a Functional Systemic Linguistic (LSF): an analysis of images of signs based on the variables of the Context of situation





Interpretation. Libras. Functional Systemic Linguistic.


This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of the uses and the importance of the visual language ”“ LIBRAS ”” Língua Brasileira de Sinais, in social spaces. With a theoretical framework from Systemic-Funcional Linguistics (SFL), Halliday (2004 [1994]), and in Deaf Studies, Brito (1993), Quadros (2004), and Translation Studies, Pagura (2003), and others. Being it about a theoretical and methodological support that investigates the social use of language, SFL is important to illustrate the relevance in maintaining a television network channel using a visual language with simultaneous interpretation as a means of accessibility by deaf people. The analysis occurred in a piece of television show named Visual News that is signed and is available on YouTube. The analysis done regarded only 30 seconds of the news calls taking into consideration the concept from SFL context of situation that comprises three variables: field/area of speech, tenor, and mode. This brief study aimed at showing the relevance of studies based on Halliday’s SFL by involving two languages of a distinct nature, though not least important. We hope this analysis can raise a critical look in readers regarding the context of situation of a TV program. Hence, this is the importance of knowing how the variables of the context of situation work.


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Author Biography

Márcia Monteiro Carvalho, Universidade Federal do Pará

Assistant Professor of Libras at Ufpa- Abaetetuba Campus (2014) .Doctor in Translation Studies / Dinter - Ufsc / Ufpa (2016-2020). Master in Letters-Linguistics, Federal University of Pará - Ufpa (2010-2012). Specialist in Teaching Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) by Fted- Faculdade de Tecnologia Equipe Darwin (2012). Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature by the Faculty of Education of Amazonia- Fibra (2009). Graduated in Letters-habilitation in Portuguese Language-Ufpa (2004-2008). Interpreter by Astilp (Association of Translators / Interpreters of Sign Language of Pará). I work with the disciplines the of Libras   and Portuguese Language written for the deaf. I am looking for a doctorate in Libras The process of translating Libras into a formal Portuguese language with interests in studies in the area of ”‹”‹Lexicography, Translation and teaching of Sign Language.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, Márcia Monteiro. A Libras Relationship with a Functional Systemic Linguistic (LSF): an analysis of images of signs based on the variables of the Context of situation. Belas Infiéis, Brasília, Brasil, v. 9, n. 5, p. 55–73, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v9.n5.2020.29368. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/belasinfieis/article/view/29368. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.