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reflexões em torno do uso da tecnologia DNA para identificação criminal
Estudos de ciência e tecnologia, governança, bancos de perfis genéticos, criminologiaAbstract
Using conceptual instruments inspired in science and technology studies, I propose to analyze contemporary discussions involving the creation of genetic databanks for criminal prosecution in Brazil and other countries. Relying on research carried out in contexts where the databanks are already in use, I begin by considering objections voiced by people who feel particularly vulnerable to this form of identification technology: prisoners, juvenile offenders, members of ethnic minorities. I go on to ask how different forms of scientific knowledge, together with the media, law, commercial business, and human rights activists muster the material and semiotic forces that give shape to this new technology. Finally, elaborating on the theme of biolegality, I situate the databanks of genetic profiles as a sort of technology of governance with implications that go well beyond national borders.
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