Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Intersectionality, documentation and violence: Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women of the Americas

					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Intersectionality, documentation and violence: Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women of the Americas

Dossier Intersectionality, documentation and violence: Indigenous Women and Afrodescendants of the Americas

Organizers: Dolores Figueroa Romero and Natalia De Marinis

From different contexts, from Nicaragua's Atlantic coast to Canada's central provinces, this special issue analyses and documents the extreme and structural violence affecting the lives of indigenous and Afro-descendant women. Several of the essays centrally address femicide and its relationship with other violence in order to contribute to the understanding of femicide and actions in search of justice and from an intersectional reading. The political and analytical positions that inspire these reflections aim to engage in a critical dialogue with both academia and anti-femicide feminist activism from an rooted perspective that prioritizes empirical observation and dense knowledge of contexts. The authors of this dossier contribute to opening paths of understanding that reveal blindness, prejudice and universalist views on experiences of differentiated discrimination, social harm and claims of rights from specific rationalities and experiences.

Published: 2020-12-28

