Institutional violence against users of cocaine base paste in Uruguay
institutional violence, drug policy, drug useAbstract
In the present work different violence is shown towards users of cocaine base paste of Montevideo. For them, the Uruguayan criminal system imparts "justice" in almost summary forms, and the
police punishes them daily based on the Law of Faults. This is not contradictory with the Cannabis Regulation Law (the two laws were passed in the same period of government, 2010-2015), but
rather its counterpart: in Uruguay, since the beginning of the 20th century, the State protects its citizens At the same time that it exiles to the more obscure tutelary places (prisons and manicomial
colonies) to whom, for different reasons, do not exercise their citizenship. Subjugated in a stigma that makes them, beyond their actions, guilty actors, the pasty roam between the penal system, the
violence of the illicit market and the edges of the social protection system.
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