Imprisoning bodies and regenerating souls: the construction of the first female penitentiary in Brazil

Review of the book “Between the Laws of Science, the State and God: the emergence of female prisons in Brazil”, by Bruna Angotti


  • Sara Vieira Antunes Universidade de São Paulo



antropologia, direito


Review of the book Between the Laws of Science, the State and God: the emergence of women's prisons in Brazil, by Bruna Angotti, published in 2018 by colección Estudios Penitentiary.


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Author Biography

Sara Vieira Antunes, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Antropologia Social

Universidade de São Paulo

Pesquisadora do NADIR - Núcleo de Antropologia do Direito


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CORRÊA, Mariza.. Sobre a invenção da mulata. Cadernos Pagu, Campinas, n.6-7, 1996, p.35-50.

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How to Cite

Vieira Antunes, Sara. 2021. “Imprisoning Bodies and Regenerating Souls: the Construction of the First Female Penitentiary in Brazil: Review of the Book ‘Between the Laws of Science, the State and God: The Emergence of Female Prisons in Brazil’, by Bruna Angotti”. Abya-Yala: Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas 4 (2):185 a 193.