Research on library services for immigrants in national libraries




Library services, Inmigrants, National libraries, User studies


The purpose of the research carried out is to verify the needs of immigrant library users, as well as the existence, effectiveness and efficiency of library services for this group, since, as has been observed in recent years, the immigration is steadily increasing. In the first place, it begins with a bibliographic review, through which the use and needs of immigrants regarding library services are glimpsed. Subsequently, a study consisting of an analysis of the services of 26 national libraries is carried out, based on the HDI, number of libraries per inhabitant and the number of immigrants in the country (originally they are based on 30 countries, 10 per indicator, however, due to repetitions and the existence of one as a protectorate, they are reduced to 26). For this, an analysis of the websites of the national libraries of the aforementioned selected countries is carried out in search of specific services for this group (in April 2020). This research shows us the lack of effective services and / or services for immigrant users. Once with these data and adding them to the bibliographic research previously carried out, the need to implement, improve and update the aforementioned services for immigrants is concluded.


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Author Biography

Luis Serrano Pérez, Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz, Extremadura, Espanha

  • Formación:

Grado en información y documentación (Universidad de Extremadura, 2015 - 2020)

Grado en comunicación audiovisual (Universidad de Extremadura, 2015 - 2020)

  • Experiencia:

                Gestor Documental - ID Energy Group (Septiembre 2021 - Actualidad)

                Prácticas Comunicación Audiovisual - FUNDCERI (Marzo - Mayo 2020)

                Prácticas Información y Documentación - ARRAM Consultores (Octubre - Diciembre 2019)


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How to Cite

Serrano Pérez, L. (2022). Research on library services for immigrants in national libraries. Revista Ibero-Americana De Ciência Da Informação, 15(1), 244–253.