Scientific production on crime literature: analysis of Agatha Christie Theme in Lattes Curriculum




Scientific production, Scientific communication, Bibliometrics, Crime fiction, Agatha Christie


Crime fiction studies has been receiving more attention among scholars and its study is highly considered by authors such as Stuart Hall, Raymond Williams and Ernest Mandel. Associations responsible for bringing together researchers of this kind were created, such as the International Crime Fiction Association (2017), scientific journals focused on crime fiction: Clues: a Journal of Detection (2008) and Crime Fiction Studies (2020), and the book A Companion to Crime Fiction (2010). Agatha Christie is the most published author translated and adapted to other media, named twice in Guinness World Records, for selling more than two billion copies of her books, only behind of the Bible and Shakespeare, and her play, The Mousetrap, is the longest theatrical run since 1952. According to specialists, in Brazil, scientific production about Christie is smaller than expected and it could be further developed. The objective is to map such production at national level to understand its characteristics, origins, types, and areas. This study also allows a preliminary understanding of the production carried out in Literature and Linguistics, a field of knowledge that is rarely the object of bibliometric studies: although it recommends extensive quotation, the area quotes texts from other fields as well as canonical texts, which would be considered very old, not attending the recommendations of periodicals of two to five years used in the impact factor ratio, for instance. The Brazilian production on Agatha Christie was found, based on the curricula registered in Lattes platform, through thematic search filter. It resulted in 195 papers, including event papers, course final essays, periodical and newspaper articles, books and book chapters, theses, and dissertations, written since 1991. Literature and Linguistics is the field with largest production, but we found works linked to other knowledge fields, and Jean Pierre Chauvin (University of São Paulo) is the most productive author of the 151 we found. We realize that such production is growing, but it is not included in databases often used in metric studies such as Scielo, Scopus and Web of Science. We consider it is necessary to expand the research to the crime fiction genre to understand and compare with research that focuses on other authors and themes, creating a path to understand the scientific production of Literature and Linguistics and other fields of the Humanities.


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Author Biography

Michely Jabala Mamede Vogel, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Niterói, RJ, Brasil

  1. Professora na Universidade Federal Fluminense nas graduações de Biblioteconomia e Arquivologia e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação. Doutora e mestre em Ciência da Informação pela ECA-USP, possui graduação em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade de São Paulo. Tem experiência em estudos métricos de informação e organização da informação, especialmente elaboração de vocabulários controlados (tesauros e taxonomias). Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Estudos Ônticos e Ontológicos em Contextos Informacionais: representação, recuperação e métricas (EOOCI). Fez parte do doutorado no CWTS da Leiden University, Holanda, onde estudou métodos bibliométricos para avaliação de programas de pós-graduação. TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Cientometria, Bibliometria, Avaliação da Pós-Graduação, Comunicação Científica, Acesso Aberto, Taxonomias, Tesauros, Indexação, Classificação, Recuperação da Informação e Agatha Christie.


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How to Cite

Vogel, M. J. M. . (2022). Scientific production on crime literature: analysis of Agatha Christie Theme in Lattes Curriculum. Revista Ibero-Americana De Ciência Da Informação, 15(1), 194–209.