Cooperativas: uma possível transformação identitária para os trabalhadores do setor informal?


  • Christiane Girard Ferreira Nunes Universidade de Brasília (UnB)


cooperativa; setor informal; trabalhador; identidade; laços sociais


The aim of this article is to discuss the impact on identities and the dynamics resulting from them, starting with different forms of insertion in the world of work; more specifically, beginning with the informal sector workers' socialisation and their cooperatives. Therefore, we consider the following elements underlined: workers in the informal sector who earn from one to three minimum wages; workers in cooperatives who earn the same amount; some concepts to understand identity at work and, finally, ties among those elements that help to perceive changes produced in the world of work itself.


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Author Biography

Christiane Girard Ferreira Nunes, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutora, professora do Departamento de Sociologia da UnB. Agradecimentos a Tânia Cruz e a Isabel Pojo do Rego pela colaboração. Liandra Ribeiro, Helena A. Borges Correa, Gabriel Moura Peter colaboraram como estagiários de pesquisa.


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How to Cite

Nunes, C. G. F. . (2022). Cooperativas: uma possível transformação identitária para os trabalhadores do setor informal?. Sociedade E Estado, 16(01 e 02), 134–158. Retrieved from

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