
  • barbara de Azambuja Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Rafael Kobata Kimura



Science teaching. Science fiction. Tales. Hydrostatic.


This study investigated the production of Science Fiction stories as a didactic
resource in science education. With the aim of making Physics classes more
comprehensive, contextualized, and engaging, a didactic sequence was planned
that addressed the content of hydrostatics, which was applied in a school in Bagé
city, Rio Grande do Sul. The didactic sequence, based on Georges Snyders' "Joy in
School," included the reading of Jules Verne's book "Twenty Thousand Leagues
Under the Sea," group presentations, a trail game, and discussions about Physics
and interpretation of the narrative. In the end, based on Jacob Bronowski's ideas,
students were encouraged to produce a Science Fiction story, and the data
collected for investigation were analyzed through the lens of Discursive Textual
Analysis. The analysis focused on three main questions: (1) What is the didactic
potential of producing Science Fiction stories in Science Education? (2) What is the
implicit definition of Science Fiction that students have? (3) What is the students'
view of science? As a result, the production of stories showed great potential by
providing students with the means to exercise their creative and imaginative
minds and to understand Physics within a context that is often challenging and
adventurous. However, this potential, although well explored by some students,
was not fully developed by others, who presented bland stories typical of those
who consider the activity tedious and exhausting. Regarding the definition of
Science Fiction, students' views vary: some consider it an extension of the
textbook, addressing the same topics with the same language but embedded in a
story with characters, while others see it as a genre that deals with the
extraordinary, speculating on frontier Physics subjects or embarking on
exploratory adventures full of discoveries. As for their view of science, students
value it for technological development and personify it in a scientist, often
depicted as studious, intelligent, and hardworking, but also eccentric, sad and


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How to Cite

DE AZAMBUJA, Barbara; KOBATA KIMURA, Rafael. THE PRODUCTION OF A FICTIONAL SHORT STORY SCIENCE IN SCIENCE TEACHING. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, p. 21–40, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v8i2.52062. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.