Interdisciplinarity in Physics Class: exploring language as a means of developing skills in sciences


  • Diana Esther Tuyarot de Barci IFSEMG Campus Juiz de Fora
  • Wagner Eduardo Rodrigues Belo



Physics teaching. Interdisciplinarity. New methodologies. Integration.


The objective of the work is to encourage interdisciplinarity. An experience of dialogue between two areas of knowledge is presented: physics and the Spanish language. The physical concept of electrical current is developed. In collaboration with the Spanish language teacher and using the book “La luz es como el Água” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the aim is to involve students through language as a means of transmitting knowledge. It explores how to achieve competences in science, for this, it was suggested that students interpret the book and highlight, in addition to the concept of electric current, other physical concepts contained in the text. The proposal was based on pedagogical actions that are guided by the PCNs and other official documents. It is a qualitative research where the results are presented through the evaluations carried out on the work carried out by the students. Following a pre-established script, these tasks, organized in a socio-interactionist context, lead the student along the paths to achieve the discipline's objectives. Students were free to express their ideas beyond the intended knowledge and to prepare presentations using alternative means such as multimedia. They also created a panel with the results that was displayed in the school corridor. The evaluation of the works was carried out from the formative perspective, using reports and presentations as instruments to record the knowledge achieved and highlight the difficulties. The whole is analyzed in the light of works that support the concept of interdisciplinarity and the need to develop actions in this sense.


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How to Cite

TUYAROT DE BARCI, Diana Esther; RODRIGUES BELO, Wagner Eduardo. Interdisciplinarity in Physics Class: exploring language as a means of developing skills in sciences. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 46–54, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v6i2.38783. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.