Contributions and limitations of undergraduate nursing management
Education of Nursing, Practice Management, Professional Training, Staff DevelopmentAbstract
This study aimed to understand the contributions and limitations of undergraduate learning about nursing management actions from the perspective of students. This is a qualitative research carried out in a higher education institution; the invitations were carried out until data saturation, reaching ten participants. After processing the data, two categories emerged: development of managerial skills and managerial training process. The students pointed out difficulties in connecting management and care, signaling the complexity of understanding the concept of care management at this stage of professional training. Thus, this aspect can be highlighted as a possible limitation in view of the importance of managerial aspects to subsidize care; another element indicated was the distance between disciplines that explicitly address the issue of nursing management. The contributions could be signified in the internship activities in the last two semesters of the course. Although the interviewees carry out management activities concomitantly with assistance, this movement seems imperceptible, this is why it is necessary to strengthen this link in other practices, as well as in theory. And in this way, meet the demands defined by the formation of competences, as the nuances of care management are clarified.
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