Academic leagues and university extension
contributions to nursing student learning
Nursing Education, Health Education, Nursing Students, Nursing Research, Community Extension.Abstract
The study aims to highlight the contributions of academic leagues in university extension. This is an exploratory-descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out with 31 students inserted in five Academic Leagues in the Nursing course at the State University Vale do Acaraú, in Sobral-Ceará, Brazil, from March to May 2017. Data collection occurred in three focus groups (A, B and C) using a guiding script and were analyzed using Minayo's thematic analysis. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of that university, obtaining the Opinion Nr. 1,345,575. This study proves that the leagues contribute to the strengthening of teaching, research and extension. In addition, the findings demonstrate that students are moved to participate in the leagues by the desire to have other experiences in the field of Nursing, early insertion in the territory, curriculum qualification, reinforcement in teaching and learning. Also, that the leagues develop teaching-learning strategies, for example: theoretical training or theoretical cycle, construction and development of scientific events, among others. Thus, academic leagues are potentialities for the transformation of the health practices scenario, mediated by teaching, research, extension, assistance and social transformation actions.
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