Artigos de RevisãoAbstract
Objective: To identify in literature the general
points raised about sexual health and sexuality
among older women. Methods: This is a
Literature Review from published studies on
the theme with the following inclusion criteria:
full Article available in the databases LILACS
and MEDLINE, published between 2005-
2015, in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
Results: We sampled 26 articles, with a
predominance of articles from Brazil and the
United States. Themes were grouped as
follows: sexuality and prevention of sexually
transmitted diseases; sexuality and sexual life;
sexual desire, eroticism and self-image;
approaches and influence of cancer on
sexuality, sex education and sexual self-care,
and attention of health care professionals to the
sexuality of elderly women. Conclusion: The
theme remains a taboo in all parts of the world,
and health professionals need to discuss sex
and sexuality more naturally and clearly
include it in the context of health assessment of the elderly.
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