Exhausted and without resources: strategies of mother-artists in the pandemic
Maternity/motherhood , Feminisms, Contemporary poetics , PandemicAbstract
This article is part of the author's doctoral research, which consists of a poetic-academic investigation with a cartographic focus on art and motherhood/mothering, dialoguing with gender studies, feminisms and poetics developed by mother-artists in the field of visual arts. It will address the research project "Exhausted and without resources: Strategies of artist mothers in the pandemic", created by Coletiva Arte e Maternagem (AeM). The project was born from the need to investigate and share ways of reconciling artistic production and research with the experience of motherhood amid the challenging scenario of the pandemic. The methodology involves interviews with Clarissa Borges, Renata Felinto and Silvana Macêdo, in addition to analyzing the artistic practices of Jocarla Gomes, Malu Teodoro and Clarice Gonçalves, exploring the strategies that these artist-mothers developed to maintain artistic production during the coronavirus pandemic.
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