Giorgio Strehler’s Shakespearean Trajectory at Piccolo Teatro di Milano


  • Adriano Mafra
  • Camila Paula Camilotti Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná



The Tempesta. Giorgio Strehler. La tempest. Piccolo Teatro di Milano. William Shakespeare.


The present work aims at investigating Giorgio Strehler’s artistic métier in the production and direction of La tempesta, a theatrical production adapted from William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The Italian theatrical productions were produced and directed by Giorgio Strehler and staged at Boboli Gardens in 1948, and prepared to be staged at Piccolo Teatro di Milano in 1978. The investigation is based on Patrice Pavis’ notions (2005) of reconstitution-analysis within the field of theatrical performances. From the productions’ records, such as directors’ journals, notes, letters, and interviews, it is possible to conduct a systematic study of Shakespearian plays staged in Italy, especially those little known by Italian audiences. Strehler’s La tempesta is considered a turning point in the modern Italian dramaturgy. Furthermore, it consolidated Strehler’s career as theatre director in Italy, since he symbolically chose the play for his début, as well as for the closure of Shakespearian productions of the Piccolo.


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How to Cite

Mafra, A., & Camilotti, C. P. (2020). Giorgio Strehler’s Shakespearean Trajectory at Piccolo Teatro di Milano. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 19(1), 197–217.



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