We go, play, return and go back

the importance of the concept of travel in education.


  • Ângela Saldanha
  • Teresa Torres de Eça




Travelling. Education. Spinning objects. Artivism. Gift.


In this text, we reflect on the concept of Travelling in Education as a practice of aesthetic experiences in four interrelated, cyclical and fundamental stages for the continuous and critical questioning of the transdisciplinarity of everything that exists: Go-through, Restop, Re-take and Re-Turn. We question the practices of pedagogies by concepts such as travelling; affection, relationships created and the need for affective relationships in education. We relate concepts and defend the interdisciplinarity of the different areas that intersect them in the Travelling and evoke new places of action. We think of artistic practices, activism, and questions and actions. We count on some actions on the ground using the concepts of Gift, Offering, “purse” (where we store special and precious things), Contemporary Art, Relational Aesthetics, Co-authorship, individual and Action related to the agglutinating concept of “Travel in Education”.


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How to Cite

Saldanha, Ângela, & Torres de Eça, T. (2017). We go, play, return and go back: the importance of the concept of travel in education. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 16(2), 128–139. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v16i2.20655



II. Realizações e práticas