Afiches del Mayo Francés. Gráfica, autoría y alteridad sudamericana en 1968


  • Isabel Plante Universidad Nacional San Martín



Posters of May 68. Authorship and otherness. Argentine artists of Paris


Given its relationship to the events of May 1968, the Atelier Populaire is one of the most frequently invoked imbrications of art and politics in the 1960s. The crucial role played by South American artists in the production of the studio’s posters, however, has remained almost completely unexamined, perhaps because of the Atelier’s collective nature. This paper analyzes several celebrated anonymous posters as well as others that were signed by individual artists. In the context of the crisis that May ‘68 represented for the autonomy of the artistic field, the participation of ‘Others’ lent an element of the contemporary discourse around Third World solidarity, in turn identifying the Atelier with the rise of a collective and radicalized cultural production.


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How to Cite

Plante, I. (2016). Afiches del Mayo Francés. Gráfica, autoría y alteridad sudamericana en 1968. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 15(2), 171–192.



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