What is the Role of Psychosocial Factors for Talent Development in Sports?




Mots-clés :

Talent, Development, Psychosocial factors, Sports, Athletes


Over the last decades, researchers have tried to comprehend how outstanding people develop their talents. However, in order to convert initial potential into high-performance achievement, it is required more than ability or technique. Studies have pointed out that psychosocial factors can favor or limit the development of talent in distinct domains. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of psychosocial factors for talent development in sports. Four elite Brazilian athletes, two males, and two females were interviewed. Four categories emerged: Growth Mindset, Task Commitment, Opportunities Taken, and Social Support Usage. The role of psychosocial factors as catalysts for talent development was observed from the early stages of the participants’ trajectory in sports.


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Comment citer

de Figueiredo Ferreira, L. O. ., & de Souza Fleith, D. . (2022). What is the Role of Psychosocial Factors for Talent Development in Sports?. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e38316.en



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