The Reliability of the Zulliger Test (2009-2019): Case Studies
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Psychological assessment, Personality traits, Longitudinal studies, Projective techniques, AdultsResumen
This study aimed to verify the reliability of the Zulliger test (ZSC) and the individuals' personality characteristics over 10 years (2009-2019), using a (test-retest) design. Four adults, non-patients, between 18 and 52 years of age participated in this study. Instruments: structured interview, the ZSC and the Social Skills Inventory (IHS2-Del-Prette). The analyses considered the interpretative differences of 59 ZSC variables between the first (2009) and second (2019) applications, the interview data and the IHS2-Del-Prette. The results demonstrated temporal stability for most (70%) of the variables of the ZSC after 10 years of testing and contemplated the main interpretative findings. The interview data and the IHS2-Del-Prette added to the data of the ZSC regarding the individuals' personality characteristics and emotional state.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Jucelaine Bier Di Domenico Grazziotin, Silvana Alba Scortegagna

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