Investigating possible scientific connections between Claude Bernard and B. F. Skinner
Claude Bernard, B. F. Skinner, single subject designAbstract
veral studies tracking down possible sources that would have given direction to Skinner in the development of Behaviorism, suggested an inaccurate scientific link between Claude Bernard and Skinner. Considering this subject, this work performed a systematic comparison between both authors, through the following categories: (1) organism-environment interaction; (2) mentalism; (3) induction-deduction; and method of the single case. Although differences have been found, in category (1), the analysis of the external variables, and in (2), rejection of explanation without scientific basis, were detected in both theories. In category (3), Skinner and Bernard show different opinions. As to the analysis of the intrasubject design, both detonated several compatibilities, differing, mainly because of its epistemic objectives.
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