Contributions of Stanghellini’s notion of the Crisis of Common Sense in Schizophrenia




schizophrenia, common sense, phenomenological psychopathology


The notion of crisis of common sense on schizophrenia is introduced by Wolfgang Blankenburg through his concept of loss of natural evidence. In contemporaneity, Giovanni Stanghellini revisits and amplifies this notion by proposing a panoramic perspective on this crisis. This paper presents the contributions brought by Stanghellini’s perspective, introducing his understanding of common sense and its relevance for the comprehension of schizophrenia. For the author, common sense is understood in three ways: as a knowledge socially shared, intuitive attunement, and cenesthesia. Through the notions of intercorporeality and koinè aisthesis, Stanghellini conceives schizophrenia as an experience of disruption of the habitual relation with the world. His proposal contributes to clinical practice by suggesting directions for the psychotherapy with schizophrenics.


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How to Cite

Monteiro, V., Souza, C., Pita, J., & Moreira, V. (2022). Contributions of Stanghellini’s notion of the Crisis of Common Sense in Schizophrenia. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38.



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