Children’s Infinity: Paths of Alterity in Axline's Play Therapy




Playtherapy, Alterity, Emmanuel Lévinas, Person-Centered therapy


Axline's Humanist Playtherapy postulates that the therapeutic experiences are given through play. This article sought to reflect possible ethical gaps and the place of alterity in the playterapeutic relationship, from the philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas. The otherness in Lévinas requires sensitivity that affects difference and refers to ethical listening. Meeting the child in session is to deal with an absolute otherness, in a ludic communication. It is concluded that the therapist must go towards the child, through affectation and responsibility. In addition, although there are disagreements between the LCC and the Levinasian ethics, it is postulated that there are ways of approach in the reception offered and in the consideration of the child as a person, active in its therapeutic process.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, A. ., & Souza, S. (2022). Children’s Infinity: Paths of Alterity in Axline’s Play Therapy. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38.



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