Positive Education: Innovation in Educational Interventions Based on Positive Psychology
Education, Positive Psychology, Intervention, Educational PsychologyAbstract
School is configured as a social space that can essentially contribute to cognitive and emotional evolvement. Furthermore, it emerges as an important resource for Positive Psychology. This review aimed to evaluate studies that present interventions based on Positive Education. Databases searched were MEDLINE, LILACS, Psycinfo, SciELO, and Scopus, using the terms "Positive Education" and "Intervention". The study's analysis was descriptive, and the characteristics of the interventions were reported. Fourteen studies that met the proposed eligibility criteria were included. As a result, nine studies were focused on positive education in the children's and adolescents, three were directed to college students, and two exclusively meant for teachers and school leaders. The importance of stimulating the development of strength of character among students were apparent.
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