Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale (BNSSS)


  • José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
  • João Ricardo Nickening Vissoci Pontifícia Universidade Católica-PUCSP. Faculdade Ingá
  • Lenamar Fiorese Vieira Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brasil.



Psychometrics, Motivation, Sport psychology


This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale (BNSSS). The instrument was translated and adapted by three experts. A total of 475 athletes participated in this study: 395 in a validity study and 80 in a temporal stability study. Factor analysis was used and reliability coefficients were estimated in the first study, while in the second study the intraclass correlation was calculated. The results showed clear and relevant translations between the three experts, and satisfactory internal consistency of items in Portuguese. Different models were tested (EFA and CFA), and the more stable model suggested the exclusion of eight items and the retention on three factors. Multigroup analysis showed partial invariance between the sexes. The scale showed temporal stability (ICC> 0.70). It was concluded that the Brazilian version of BNSSS showed acceptable psychometric properties.


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Author Biographies

José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento Junior, Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

Professor Doutor do Colegiado de Educação Física da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco

João Ricardo Nickening Vissoci, Pontifícia Universidade Católica-PUCSP. Faculdade Ingá

Doutor em Psicologia Social. Faculdade Ingá, Maringá-PR, Brasil.

Lenamar Fiorese Vieira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brasil.

Doutora. Departamento de Educação Física. Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brasil.



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How to Cite

Nascimento Junior, J. R. A. do, Vissoci, J. R. N., & Vieira, L. F. (2019). Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sport Scale (BNSSS). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 34.



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