Construct Validity of the Brazilian Version of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale
Dyadic adjustment, Marital satisfaction, Marital quality, PsychometricsAbstract
This study sought evidence of construct validity for the Brazilian versions of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale. A total of 448 individuals participated in the research, 253 women and 195 men from several regions of Brazil who had been cohabiting with their marital partners for an average of 14.7 years. Several proposed models for the measure were tested in Structural Equation Modeling. In the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the four-factor and hierarchical models of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale showed good overall adjustments. Evidence of factor, convergent, and discriminant validity were also found. Composite reliability revealed adequate levels of internal consistency. The Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated a strong measurement invariance model for men and women.Downloads
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