Episodic Memory and Elderly People: Main Alterations from Different Cognitive Interventions
Episodic memory, Cognitive intervention, ElderlyAbstract
Aging entails many cognitive changes, including episodic memory, which may be potentiated depending on the lifestyle of the elderly person and stimulated through cognitive interventions. The objective of this study was to verify whether there are differences in episodic memory and mood in different interventions. A total of 46 elderly people, of both sexes, with an average age of 68.7 years (SD = ± 6.82) participated in the study, being divided in two groups, stimulation (Stimullus = 21) and training (MEMO = 25), and tests of diagnostic and memory measures were applied before and after intervention. A difference in episodic memory was observed between the interventions, as well as an improvement in their mood, regardless of the type of intervention.
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