Extension of the stimulus control produced by three procedures for teaching pseudowords discrimination





Pseudoword discrimination, Letter discrimination, Teaching procedure, Observing and selecting, Restricted stimulus control, College student


This study investigated the effect of a discrimination training of pseudowords with and without the requirement of selection responses upon the control by the elements and recombination of the elements, and upon stimulus observation. Eight undergraduates underwent two conditions with discriminative training and stimulus control test. The SEL condition required a selection response to S+, and the OBS condition, only observation. Test results suggest that the selection response was not determinant in the control by elements or by the recombination of elements. Four participants presented restricted control. This control was extended in the additional DOR condition, that required differential element observation, and was accompanied by increases in S+ observation. The broadening of stimulus control, promoted by DOR, still needs evaluation independent of previous teaching conditions.


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How to Cite

Melo de Oliveira, J., & Seixas Hanna, E. (2020). Extension of the stimulus control produced by three procedures for teaching pseudowords discrimination. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 36. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e3625



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