Self-Efficacy and Memory Assessment in Elderly: An Exploratory Analysis




Memory, Self-Efficacy, Aged


It is an exploratory, cross-sectional and quantitative study whose objective was to verify memory and self-efficacy alterations in 110 older adults, with a mean of 70.50 years. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, a subjective memory perception test, the Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire, and The Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test. The seniors were evaluated in a single moment, individually, for about 60 minutes. The results of the memory test were within the expected standards for age and schooling, with a slightly inferior performance in working memory and negative perception of memory self-efficacy (82.70%). Such performance was associated with subjective memory complaints (99.10%), which can be explained by socio-cultural paradigms negatively linked to the aging process.


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How to Cite

Sacramento, A. M., Chariglione, I. P. F. S., Melo, G. F. de, & de Cárdenas, C. J. (2021). Self-Efficacy and Memory Assessment in Elderly: An Exploratory Analysis. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.



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