Sexting and Gender Violence Among Young People: An Integrative Literature Review
Sexting, Integrative review, Gender violence, Teens, Online sex, YouthAbstract
This review aimed to systematize the studies on sexting and gender violence published between 2000 and 2016 in national and international journals. The search was performed in the databases - BVS-Psi, Psychlit, Medline, LILACS, and Oasis. We found 383 articles. After applying the exclusion criteria, 21 articles were analyzed. The results showed that sexting is not an a priori risk factor. The risk is related to variables such as the content of the messages, when it expresses violence, and age of the practitioners, indicating that the younger the age the greater the risk. It has been found that there are modalities related to gender violence, such as revenge pornography and slut-shaming, but these contents are not inherent to sexting.
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