Father Involvement in Parents of School-Aged Children: Relationship with Parenting Stress, Social Support and Sociodemographic Variables





Father involvement, Parenting stress, Social support, Fathering


This study aims to ascertain whether parenting stress and social support contribute to father involvement (FI), and to analyze the relationship between this involvement and sociodemographic variables (parent/child). The participants were 92 men, parents of school-aged children (6 to 9 years). The Father Involvement Scale and the Portuguese adaptions of the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form and Social Support Questionaire. Only parenting stress (Interaction and Child subscales) was found to be a predictor of FI (Caring and Availability subscales). A relationship between FI and the number of children was also observed. The results suggest that high levels of parenting stress may jeopardize fathers’ involvement in terms of caring and availability, while the higher number of children is also a relevant factor.


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How to Cite

Arrais, A. L., & Vieira-Santos, S. . (2021). Father Involvement in Parents of School-Aged Children: Relationship with Parenting Stress, Social Support and Sociodemographic Variables. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e37313



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