Crisis in Psychology:

The Historical and Epistemological Contribution of L. S. Vigotski


  • Lia da Rocha Lordelo Universidade Federal da Bahia


Vigotski, Psychology, Epistemology


This article aimed to explore L. S. Vigotski’s relevance as historian and epistemologist of Psychology. Vigotski diagnosed a crisis and fragmentation in psychological science in the 1920’s, and saw in dialectical materialism a scientific philosophy and world vision capable of accomplishing the methodological integration he thought was necessary in Psychology. The main object of study would be consciousness. To accomplish the objective of this study, methodological texts written by Vigotski were analyzed, in particular “The historical meaning of the crisis in Psychology”, from 1926. Vigotskian analysis leads us to think about the meaning of the crisis and fragmentation which persist in contemporary Psychology, and invites us to reflect upon the methodological pluralism that characterizes our science.


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How to Cite

da Rocha Lordelo, L. (2011). Crisis in Psychology:: The Historical and Epistemological Contribution of L. S. Vigotski. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(4), 537–544. Retrieved from



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