Stereotypes of Intimate Partner Violence

Do Sex and Sexual Orientation Matter?


  • Maria Elena Meza-de-Luna Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Leonor María Cantera Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Josep María Blanch Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Adriano Beiras Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Intimate partner violence, Stereotyped attitudes, Male female relations, Male homosexuality, Female homosexuality, Mexico


This study analyzed stereotypes on intimate partner violence (IPV) of heterosexual and same-sex couples. The participants, 232 Mexican college students, evaluated physical and psychological IPV exerted by men and women with different sexual orientations. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results indicate that men evaluated women and gay men as having a similar IPV, while men´s perceptions of IPV for these groups were higher than those of women. Women viewed heterosexual men as the most violent and evaluated the other groups with different degrees of IPV. Physical violence is regarded as natural in men, both gay and heterosexual. To conclude, the results suggest that IPV stereotypes are affected by the sex of the evaluators and by their sexual orientation. It is relevant to expand the scope of prevention programs.

 Keywords: intimate partner violence, stereotyped attitudes, male female relations, male homosexuality, female homosexuality, Mexico


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How to Cite

Meza-de-Luna, M. E., Cantera, L. M., Blanch, J. M., & Beiras, A. (2017). Stereotypes of Intimate Partner Violence: Do Sex and Sexual Orientation Matter?. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(3). Retrieved from



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