Dating Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being
Associations with Parental Marital Relationship
Marital relations, Family relations, Dating, Subjective well-being, Marital satisfactionAbstract
This study examined the association between a measure of parental marital relationship (PCP, in Portuguese)
perceived by unmarried children who date and a measure of satisfaction and subjective well-being in romantic relationships of these young adults. In this study 140 unmarried subjects participated (mean age = 21 years; dating = 3 years). The following instruments were used: Scale of Subjective Well-being Parents’ Conjugality Questionnaire and Factorial Scale of Satisfaction in Couple Relationships. Correlations indicated that PCP is not related to the other variables in this study. Thus, the satisfaction in dating is unrelated to how young adults perceive the marital relationship of their parents, refuting the thesis that affective relationships are influenced by the experiences in the family of origin.
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