Following Nutritional Rules in Overweight Children


  • Lana Cristina Cardoso de Oliveira Martins Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Eleonora Arnaud Pereira Ferreira Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Lúcia Cristina Cavalcante da Silva Universidade da Amazônia Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Flávia Pinho Almeida Universidade Federal do Pará


Obesity, Overweight, Caregiver, Instructions, Self-monitoring, Verbal report


This study assessed the effects of instructions, verbal report training (VRT) and self-monitoring training (ST),
with and without the presence of the primary caregiver, on following nutritional rules in obese or overweight children. Two
children (P1: a nine-year-old boy; P2: a eleven-year-old girl) and their caregivers participated through interviews performed
in an outpatient clinic. Ten interviews were performed. After instructions, P1 maintained and P2 improved the knowledge on
nutritional orientation. Adherence to diet scores obtained by P2 were higher than those obtained by P1 in all phases. There was
a clinically significant change after the introduction of the VRT in both participants. Efficiency of the intervention procedures
used and the importance of the caregiver’s presence are discussed.


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How to Cite

Martins, L. C. C. de O., Ferreira, E. A. P., Silva, L. C. C. da, & Almeida, F. P. (2015). Following Nutritional Rules in Overweight Children. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 31(1). Retrieved from