Context Variables and Responses to Organizational Change:
Testing the Mediating Role of Attitudes
Organizational change, Organizational context change, Attitudes toward organizational change, Resistance, Behavior to support chanceAbstract
In the current context, increasingly fast-paced changes have become the rule in organizations, demanding constant
assimilation on the part of employees. Therefore, this study investigates the mediation of attitudes in the relationship between
context and responses to organizational change. To test the mediation model a quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted
in two public organizations. The 981 participants completed three scales. Analyses of reliability of the scales were realized
while regression analysis was used to test the mediation model. The model was partially confirmed, indicating the influence
of the context on attitude and behavioral responses to organizational change. This study has theoretical and methodological
implications for the field of organizational behavior. The practical contribution refers to an increased understanding about the
factors that facilitate the success of organizational change.
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