Characterization of studies on collective teacher efficacy from a Social Cognitive Theory perspective


  • Maély Holanda Ramos Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Ana Patrícia Oliveira Fernandez UFPA
  • Fernando Ramos Pontes UFPA
  • Simone Costa Silva UFPA


Collective efficacy, Teachers, Systematic review


Collective efficacy of teachers refers to the way faculty members judge the capabilities of this group to perform the specific tasks of the ir function. This study aimed to systematic ally review studies on collective teacher efficacy from a social cognitive perspective. The refore, articles in the CAPES database published between 2010 to 2014were reviewed .The survey resulted in 12 articles which contemplated pre-established inclusion criteria. The results indicated by means of analysis of the objectives of the articles that the variables most commonly used to study the collective teacher efficacy were: self-efficacy and job satisfaction. It was also noted that the majority of the studies useda quantitative approach, indicating a necessity to expand the studies applying qualitative techniques.


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How to Cite

Ramos, M. H., Fernandez, A. P. O., Pontes, F. R., & Silva, S. C. (2016). Characterization of studies on collective teacher efficacy from a Social Cognitive Theory perspective. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(1). Retrieved from