Social stereotypes of elderly for different age groups
Aged, Stereotypes, Social identity, ClassificationAbstract
The aim of this study was to identify stereotypes of elderly for different age groups. Eight focus groups with
five participants each were conducted. 12 pictures of persons and 70 cards were used with adjectives regarding to elderlies.
The participants (40) were separated by gender and age groups. Among them, 30 reported daily contact with elderlies. For the
elderly participants, age was the main criterion of categorization, followed by ethnicity, for the other groups the main criterion
was gender, followed by age. In average, each group developed three categories and all reported age as the used criterion.
Consensus of categories emerged on “old-aged”: cult, depressed, grumpy, positive and negative. The homogeneity effect of
the out-group occurred in most groups, but the intergroup favoritism did not take place.
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