Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Illness Perception Questionnaire Brief Version (Brief IPQ)
Illness, Chronic illness, Illness perception, Factor analysis, Brief IPQAbstract
The objective of this study was to conduct an exploratory factor analysis of the Brazilian version of the Brief
Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief IPQ). Participants were 325 adults with chronic illnesses. A principal axis factoring
analysis with varimax rotation extracted two factors: Factor 1 (four items, alpha = 0.80) named emotional representation and
Factor 2 (three items, alpha = 0.52) named cognitive representation. Although the factor solution found in the present study
differed in part from the Leventhal’s Self-Regulation Model, the Brazilian version of the Brief IPQ can be considered a valid
and reliable measure to assess the perception of illness in the context of chronic diseases.
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