The Logic of Narrative Dialogicality in the Personal Position Repertoire


  • Mariane Lima DeSouza Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Williiam Barbosa Gomes
  • Manoela Ziebell de Oliveira
  • Amanda da Costa da Silveira


Personal position repertoire, Dialogical self, Narrativity, Reflexivity


The aim of this study was to analyze the logical relations behind the concept of dialogical self and its instrumental counterpart ”“ the Personal Position Repertoire (PPR). This analysis relied on empirical evidence provided by the application of the PPR to 17 participants between 19 and 34 years old (11 women). Results suggested two different contexts for the phenomenon of dialogicality: the possibility for a person to perceive her or himself as a multiplicity of characters, and to construct narratives about her or himself from different points-of-view. These results indicate that the PPR is able to demonstrate the basic spatial structure of the dialogicality but not the dialogicality in action, that is an outcome of the self’s narrative nature. To conclude, some limitations and possibilities for the PPR are discussed.


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How to Cite

DeSouza, M. L., Gomes, W. B., Oliveira, M. Z. de, & Silveira, A. da C. da. (2013). The Logic of Narrative Dialogicality in the Personal Position Repertoire. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 29(3), 321–329. Retrieved from