Mental Representation and Therapeutic Change:
A Contribution from the Psychoanalytical Approach of Object Relations Theory
Mental representation, Therapeutic change, Psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Object relationsAbstract
In spite of the progress realized in psychotherapeutic research, studies in the psychoanalytical approach are
still scarce. The objective of this article is to present and to discuss the contribution of the concept of mental representation
as an important construct to substantiate psychoanalytic research based on the identification of the elements associated with
therapeutic change. First, concepts and psychoanalytic models are presented and after that the notion of mental representation
is specifically discussed in relation to therapeutic change, particularly the object relation theory. Thus, the Object Relation
Inventory is presented, an instrument designed to assess the quality of mental representations, evaluating changes along
psychotherapy. Elements to improve clinical work and the development of research in psychoanalysis are presented.
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