Training on Self-Observation and Adherence to Diet in an Adult with Type 2-Diabetes


  • Eleonora Arnaud Pereira Ferreira Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Andressa Lacerda Fernandes Universidade Federal do Pará


Self-observation, Self-monitoring registration, Verbal report, Adherence to the diet


The present study verified the effects of self-observation over the adherence to a prescribed diet for an adult with Type 2-diabetes. The data collection was brought up by means of home interviews. Following the baseline determination, the following steps were performed: a training on the use of protocols for self-monitoring registration (Step 1), a training on the patient’s verbal report over his feeding on the former day (Step 2), and a training on how to plan the adherence to the diet (Step 3). The calculation of the patient’s Adherence Index to the Diet (AID) along with his verbal reports guided the data analysis, which revealed an increase in the frequency of self-observation of feeding behavior and in the AID on Step 1. This gain was maintained on Step 2 and further maximized by the training on planning the adherence to the diet on Step 3.


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How to Cite

Arnaud Pereira Ferreira, E., & Lacerda Fernandes, A. (2010). Training on Self-Observation and Adherence to Diet in an Adult with Type 2-Diabetes. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 25(4), 629. Retrieved from



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